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  • 21 Feb 2022 9:08 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    We are about a week away from February coming to an end. We hope that you are feeling stress free and on your A game as March quickly approaches. We know that time moves quickly and how that can add to the overwhelm of owning a business. 

    Because we know the stress of business ownership all too well every month WCE focuses on trying to help you with the task of social media by creating a Social Media Post Idea Guide. We know it can be difficult to think of, create, and then schedule posts for all your business’s social media platforms all while trying to run a successful business. Larger corporations have whole departments dedicated to marketing their business & products and you are expected to do it along with the rest of the duties in your business.  WCE's Free Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide helps relieve some of that stress! And we have the March edition of the Social Media Post Idea Guide ready for you to print!

    Before you download the Post Idea Guide we suggest that when planning your day, week, or month on social media you start with a goal in mind. Do you have a topic you want to target, a certain product or service that is new or you’re having a special on? In March you have the theme of "new beginnings" with spring around the corner! Think about what you want to communicate to your audience and have that goal in mind when reading WCE’s Post Guide. 

    If you are new to our Social Media Post Idea Guide you can use it by following it day by day, you can pick or choose which posts work best for you and your business, or you can use these tips simply as a guide and come up with your own posts! Whichever way you use it, we want you to always BE YOU and show your value! We found it’s best with any of our ideas to put your own twist on it that can really showcase you and your business. Use your platform and posts to present to your audience your value and the value of your product and/or service. We have now also added to the guide a place where you can take your own notes or write some ideas you have. That way you have your January Social Media Post ideas in one place and it will be easier for you to reference.

    With all that said you can download for FREE WCE’s March Social Media Post Idea Guide by clicking the button or the photo below!

    We hope that this streamlines your workflow, as well as, helps you get more interaction on your social media platforms. For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also find all of WCE’s workshops and in-person networking events by clicking Upcoming Events. And in our Training Resources you can find even more tools that can help you grow as an entrepreneur. 

    If you are not subscriber to WCE's newsletter you need to ASAP! Our newsletters are filled with inspiration, resources, and free downloads that go straight to you inbox every week! Click the button below for more info. 

    Subscribe to WCE's Newsletter

    As always, we really hope this helps! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at! And to opt-in for WCE's text to get up-to-date info on events, resources, and deals simply text WCE to 936-228-6391!

  • 7 Feb 2022 8:18 PM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    Visibility for your business should be a majority priority. We make this statement because honestly you could have the greatest product or service, but if nobody knows about it you then your business is never going to reach its full potential. Being consistent on social media platforms, going to networking events, and being involved in your community are extremely important and some great ways to market your business. Another way to get more exposure for your business is to be covered by media sources. How do you get media coverage? The answer: Public Relations.

    According to “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” As we stated before getting involved in your community is a great way to market, it's also a great way to build a relationship with the public too. But, getting your story out beyond the community you can physically reach is key.  You can do this by building your brand’s story and issuing it to news outlets through a press release. states a press release “is a tool made to announce something that is newsworthy in the most objective way possible. The whole purpose of a press release is to get coverage and get noticed by a target audience.” Get coverage and noticed by your target audience?! Yes, please!! But, before you jump straight into writing your business’s story and sending it off to media outlets you need to get your ducks in a row.

    Here at Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs we always try to make your life as a entrepreneur easier - we feel like we say that all the time - but it’s true! And this time is no different. We created a Press Release Planner and Template for you to download for free to organize yourself and your business before you put yourself and your business out into the crazy media world!

    We will go over each page of the download so you can properly use it. But, first you can download it by clicking the button or image below:

    Free Download of WCE's Press Release Planner

    Now that you have it downloaded we can go through each page to give you a better understanding of how to executed these worksheets.

    The first page is set to brainstorm and write several statements that define your business. These statements need to be your key messages that explain your business or the story (stories) of your business. Think about all aspects of your business and how you want the public to see it. Some things to think about ~ What does your business do? What problems does your business solve? What do you and your business stand for? Do you help any causes? What are some adversities that you or your business have gone through? 

    We give you space for 6 statements, but you can create more if you would like. You can use these statements as a starting point for all of your media story ideas. These statements are what you want the public to know about your business. Use them so your message stays consistent! But, remember as time goes on make sure you keep your stories fresh and up-to-date while still staying true to your mission.

    Now onto The second Press Release Planner Page! This walks you through a set of questions that will help you outline your main story or idea that you want to submit to the media. So, pick one of your defining statements and go through the second worksheet answering the questions accordingly.

    First you will need to know if the story needs to be released immediately or at a later date. Then we move on to the purpose of the press release. Is this an announcement of an event? A new business? A merger? A community impact story? Or are you inquiring for interview? Next, is the title. Oh, the title! The title let's just say is no easy feat! With your title (or headline) you want to make sure it catches the reader's attention and entices them to continue reading, but is concise and to the point. This is really no different than any other news articles you see on your social media or in newspapers or magazines. You may want to skip the title section until you get your whole story mapped out. It tends to be easier to write the summary of something you have already written. The Logical Entrepreneur has some great tips on writing your title.

     How to Title Your Press Release

    Next up… The Who, What, Why, When and Where! You want to outline What your story is about and what the main news hook would be. Which leads us to the Why. Why is this story important and why should the media cover it? The Who is ~ Who is involved in the story? And whom does the story affect? And lastly when and where does (or did) the story take place?

    Lastly, on the Press Release Planner Worksheet you need to create your Boilerplate and Call to Action. A boilerplate is simply a one-paragraph description of your company and key business information that goes at the bottom of a press release. Your Call to Action is simply what you would like to be done next. Do you want them to interview you? Do you want them to ask for more information? What would you like from them?

    For more help on your boilerplate you can use this template to write your main company description in just one sentence:

    {Business name} creates {offering} to help {target audience} {solve a problem} with {distinguishing characteristic}.

    Our next worksheet for you is the Press Release Template. This is fairly self explanatory. Just follow the template we give to structure your outline into a press release. After you have your press release drafted you will need to research potential media outlets to submit it to. We have also included a great worksheet that will organize the different potential media outlets by their name, website, contact person, date of submission and if you have followed up with this outlet, as well as, as section for further notes. And as a bonus we also added an additional worksheet with prompts that will help you evaluate your progress monthly.

    We truly hope these worksheets help you structure your press release! For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles or discover even more ways to become a better and more efficient business owner with WCE’s Resources and Training Programs.

    And you won’t want to miss our upcoming virtual workshop on February 17th: Your Public Relation Strategy! Carrie Ward of Connexions Public Relations will walk you through the basics of a Public Relations program and provide you with an actionable plan to kick off your own PR campaign! 

    You can find this event and all of our other upcoming events under our Upcoming Events tab or you can click below! 


    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 24 Jan 2022 10:40 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    We seem to say this every month, but we really can’t believe that this month is almost over already!  We hope that you are still going strong with your New Year's business goals as we head into February.  Like always, we at WCE want to make sure we help you stick to those goals so we have for you another social media post idea guide! We really believe this can help relieve some of the stress that goes into planning your social media content.

    If you are new to WCE's Social Media Post Guides we want you to know that it can be followed day by day, you can pick or choose which posts work best for you and your business, or you can use these tips as a starting off point and come up with your own posts. 

    Before you download the Post Idea Guide we suggest that when planning your day, week, or month on social media you start with a goal in mind. Do you have a topic you want to target, a certain product or service that is new or you’re having a special on? Think about what you want to communicate to your audience and have that goal in mind when reading WCE’s Post Guide. 

    Remember you can use our Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide by following day by day, you can pick or choose which posts work best for you and your business. Whichever way you use it, we want you to always BE YOU and show your value! We found it’s best with any of our ideas to put your own twist on it that can really showcase you and your business. Use your platform and posts to present to your audience your value and the value of your product and/or service. We have now also added to the guide a place where you can take your own notes or write some ideas you have. That way you have your February Social Media Post ideas in one place and it will be easier for you to reference.

    With all that said you can download for FREE WCE’s February Social Media Post Idea Guide by clicking the button or the photo below!

    Free Printable Download

    We hope that this streamlines your workflow, as well as, helps you get more interaction on your social media platforms. For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also find all of WCE’s workshops and in-person networking events by clicking —> Upcoming Events. In our Training Resources you can find even more tools that can help you grow as an entrepreneur. 

    If you are not subscriber to WCE's newsletter you need to ASAP! Our newsletters are filled with inspiration, resources, and free downloads that go straight to you inbox every week! Click the button below for more info. 

    Subscribe to WCE's Newsletter

    As always, we really hope this helps! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at! And to opt-in for WCE's text to get up-to-date info on events, resources, and deals simply text WCE to 936-228-6391!

  • 17 Jan 2022 9:32 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    Have you ever heard of the Rule of 7? If you’re in marketing you sure have! If not, the Rule of 7 is a “marketing principle that states that your prospects or clients need to see or come across your offer or business at least seven times before they really notice it and start to take action.” 

    So, that means your client isn’t even going to consider you until they have heard your name or seen something about you AT LEAST seven times! 

    What does this mean for you? It means you need to be creative and find ways to get yourself and your business name out there! Use the tools and resources that are available to you, be active and engage on social media. Expand your network and use new resources to help spread the word about you and your business. Don’t be scared to pay for advertising, it works! You want to make sure you are seen not just by people you know, but by a whole new audience. By using well established outlets on social media and other media publications you will be able to expand your marketing channel.

    So, let’s go over what you should focus on to utilize the marketing rule of 7!

    1. Know Your Ideal Client

    I think this is a topic we talk a lot about here at WCE and that is because it is extremely important. You need to know that not everyone is going to be your customer. You have an ideal, target market and once you figure out what yours is we guarantee that your business will flourish. It seems silly to think if you narrow your market you will get MORE clients, but it’s true. If you narrow your focus to who REALLY wants your product or service you can speak to them more directly.  

    2. Be where Your Ideal Client spends time

    Your business doesn’t need to be EVERYWHERE ~ you need to present where your ideal client spends there time (hence why it’s important to know who is your ideal client). Let’s say you sell custom phone cases and your ideal client are girls ages 14-20. You don’t want to waste too much time on Facebook….you’re ideal client doesn’t hang out on Facebook. Girls 14-20 are on TikTok. I can’t count the number of times my teenage daughter has sent me links to products she wants after seeing it on TikTok!

    This isn’t limited to social media either. Other ideas to keep in mind when thinking of where to advertise is be local. Sponsor a youth sports team, get involved with a charity or an event ~ take advantage of multiple marketing channels.  

    3. Be Consistent!

    No matter what marketing channels you choose make sure you are consistently active. Really when you think of the Rule of 7 it really is encouraging you to be consistent. Be vocal about your business. The more you post, the more you interact, the more you show up in person the more your business will be seen by more and more people.

    4. Don’t be scared of paid ads

    Take advantage of social media’s paid ads and boosts. They have it so you can set your ideal target market. That means your business post will end up on your ideal client’s newsfeed! Google ads work the same way. Someone searches something that is similar to your business, google will place your ad at the top of their search! 

    Paid ads aren’t just on social media. You can do the research and find out where your target market hangs out. If your target market are moms, try buying a banner on a mommy blog website or have them to do an influencer post. You can also use this with local opportunities as well. Check to see if there are local magazines or organizations that you can purchase ads or even do paid partnership. The possibilities are almost endless. 

    But make sure to…..

    5. Know your Metrics!

    Keep track of where your customers are coming from! You might think one channel is the best way to market yourself, but after looking at your analytics and insights you might find you’re wasting your time and money. When you get a new client ask them how they heard about you. Start collecting data so that you know where to be and you aren’t spreading yourself or your pocket book too thin.

    Marketing is essential for a successful business and learning how to marketing your business in a strategic and smart was is key. Remember that being everywhere is not necessary, being where you target market can be reached is much more important. And the tips above are a great way to start in the right direction of finding new and better ways to reach your target market. WCE has other articles and training resources that can help you even further. 

    Check out our Marketing Plan Template. 

    The Full Version includes:

    ✔️ Marketing Summary Worksheet

    ✔️ Target Market Worksheet

    ✔️ Competitor Analysis Worksheet

    ✔️ Product Sales Plan Worksheet

    ✔️ Service Sales Plan Worksheet

    ✔️ Marketing Goals and Action Plan Worksheet

    ✔️ Sales Goals and Action Plan Worksheet

    ✔️ Possible Marketing Channels for your Business

    ✔️Marketing Budget Chart Worksheet

    You can get it here:

    The Free Version includes:

    ✔️ Marketing Summary Worksheet

    ✔️Target Market Worksheet

    ✔️Marketing Goals and Action Plan Worksheet

    You can get it HERE!

    We also have a great workshop on How to Create Effective Ads on Social Media Workshop HERE.

    Another article that will help on is on How to Collaborate with Brands!

    You can search our other Articles for other great tips and more free downloads too! You can find all of workshops and in-person networking events by clicking —> Upcoming Events. In our Training Resources you can find even more tools that can help you grow as an entrepreneur. 

    If you are not subscriber to WCE's newsletter you need to ASAP! Our newsletters are filled with inspiration, resources, and free downloads that go straight to you inbox every week! Click the button below for more info. 

    Subscribe to WCE's Newsletter

    As always, we really hope this helps! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at! And to opt-in for WCE's text to get up-to-date info on events, resources, and deals simply text WCE to 936-228-6391!

  • 10 Jan 2022 4:40 PM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    A Marketing Plan…… we all know we need one, but most of us don’t know where to start. Last week Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs shared on our Social Media pages about the elements of a Marketing Plan. We thought that was a great place to start. But, here at WCE we never just stick to the basics ~ we are always finding ways to really help you streamline your business and get all of your ducks in a row.  So, we created WCE’s Marketing & Sales Plan Worksheet Packet!

    Not only have we created this 9-page Marketing & Sales Plan Packet that will guide you through the key elements of marketing and help break down your products and services so that you can easily set up a marketing and sales plan. Which includes ~ a Marketing Summary, figuring out your Target Market, creating your Competitor Analysis, Creating a Product Sales Plan, Creating a Service Sales Plan, Creating your Marketing Goals and Action Plan, Creating your Sales Goals and Action Plan, Possible Marketing Channels for your Business, and a Marketing Budget Chart. But, for a limited time we made 3 of the pages absolutely FREE for Download!! You will get the Marketing Plan Summary, the Target Market Worksheet, and Creating your Marketing Goals and Action Plan Worksheets FOR FREE.

    You can download the free marketing worksheets from the packets by clicking the button or the image below!

    WCE Marketing Plan Worksheets ~ Free Version

    We do think it’s important to go over the Elements of a Marketing Plan and really dissect some of the worksheets we have included in this packet. The first step of a Marketing plan is…

    1. Know your Target Market

    What does this mean? It means know your audience! In your marketing plan describe your target audience. Be aware of your target market's size, demographics, and any trends that will affect the demand of your business. On our Target Market worksheet we have you dive deep into your target market. What is the age range, gender, employment status, education background, where do they live? Not sure who would be your target market? One way to figure it out is look to your competitors. Study who their customers are or see who follows them on social media. Start to break down who your products or services appeals to.

    Within our Target Market Worksheet we also have you figure out your target market size which is your Total Available Market. If your target market is women ages 35-65 that live in an urban community, own a home, and are college or trade school educated you will have to research how many women with those demographics are in your target area. 

    Here is an article by The Pipeline on ways to find your Total Available Market

    Finding your TAM by The Pipeline

    Once you have your Target Market Size or your TAM you then need to document the number of customers you currently have. With your target market size and your current customer numbers you will be able to calculate your penetration rate so that you know how many of your potential market you are actually reaching! This is important to know so that when you are creating your marketing and sales goals you know the potential growth of your customer reach, as well as, your business.

    Second element of a Marketing Plan…

    2. Competitive Advantage

    What is your Competitive Advantage? What sets you apart? Think of your competitors and start to think about what makes things you stand out from them and use these things to promote yourself. In our Competitive Analysis worksheet we help break these idea down and see where you and competition stand.

    3. Create your Sales Plan

    Write down how you are going to sell your product or service. Will it be through retail, online, or wholesaling your products? Know how many steps it will take your customer to purchase from you. In WCE’s Marketing & Sales Plan Packet we include 2 worksheets for the sales plan ~ one for products and one for services. We have you think through your products and services and really dissect what goes into them and how to market them properly. You need to look at your business from the outside-in so you can properly explain what you do and what you offer to someone that has never heard of you.

    The fourth element of a Marketing Plan…

    4. Describe your Marketing and Sales Goals

    Create the marketing and sales goals for this year. Do you want to double your clientele? Do you want to triple your revenue? Do you want more email subscribers? Do you want to join a networking group? These are goals. Remember to think big, but also be realistic!!

    5. Create a Marketing Action Plan

    Make the action plan to hit those goals you just made. A goal without a plan is just a dream! List marketing channels you can use (online advertising, networking, etc). Plan out promotions and pricing that you will implement throughout the year. 

    With WCE’s Marketing & Sales Plan Packet we in way combined elements 4 and 5! We created a Marketing Goal & Action Plan Worksheet that will help you narrow down your marketing goals and categorize them into different Marketing Channels and then into the Action Steps to execute your goal. The best part?! This is one of the FREE worksheets you can download above! Yay!

    Not sure what Marketing Channels you could use?! Here are a few to start some brainstorming:

    Local marketing ~ Get involved in your community! Sponsor local youth sports teams, support a charity or event, get a speaking engagement, or even join a local networking group.

    Influencer marketing ~ Find an influencer of your target market to promote your business. Influencer Marketing is usually done with an article or post written about your business or product or even a product review.

    Email marketing ~ Use your email list to market your upcoming promotions. You can also partner with other businesses or influencers to be featured in their newsletters!

    Display Ads ~ Buying ads or banners on websites that have high traffic volume of your target market.

    These are just a few, we give even more ideas in our full version of the Marketing & Sales Plan Packet. 

    Also, in our Full version Marketing & Sales Plan Packet is the Sales Goals and Action Plan Worksheet. This worksheet is similar to the Marketing Goals and Action Plan Worksheet, but it helps you draw up a plan for all your SALES goals for the year.

    Now, the last element of a Marketing Plan is… 

    6. Know Your Budget!

    This one is important because if you mismanage your money you could find yourself out of business quickly! Calculate how much your marketing plan will cost. Research the cost of your ideas and know if they are possible. If you are over budget ~ reconfigure your goals as needed.

    In our Full version Marketing & Sales Plan Packet you will get a Marketing Budget Chart to fill out so you stay financially on track!!

    We really hope the free worksheets help you kickstart your Marketing Plan. If you are interested in the full version Marketing & Sales Plan Packet you can purchase it by clicking the button or the image below.

    WCE's Marketing & Sales Plan Packet ~ Full Version

    For Basic, Bronze, and Gold WCE Members the Full version Marketing & Sales Plan Packet is only $5! For non-members, it is $15.

    Platinum Members it is FREE!! Platinum members, to download the Packet make sure you are logged in and go here:

    Platinum Member Free Download

    As a WCE Platinum Member you can get this, other full downloads, and ALL of our workshops for free! You can find out more about WCE Platinum membership benefits here:

    Membership Benefits

    Remember that WCE is always here for you ~ for more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles.

    And you won’t want to miss any of our upcoming virtual workshops or our in-person events! You can find those under our Upcoming Events tab or you can click below! 

    Upcoming Events

    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 16 Dec 2021 10:50 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    We only have days left of 2021 and we honestly can't believe it. We know we say that pretty much every month, but it's true! Time moves quickly and we know how that can add to the overwhelm of owning a business. 

    Every month we focus on trying to help you with the task of social media by creating a Social Media Post Idea Guide. We know it can be difficult to think of, create, and then schedule posts for all your business’s social media platforms all while trying to run a successful business. Larger corporations have whole departments dedicated to marketing their business & products and you are expected to do it along with the rest of the duties in your business.  WCE's Free Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide helps relieve some of that stress! And we have the January edition of the Social Media Post Idea Guide ready for you to print!

    Before you download the Post Idea Guide we suggest that when planning your day, week, or month on social media you start with a goal in mind. Do you have a topic you want to target, a certain product or service that is new or you’re having a special on? January can be an easy one when thinking of this because you can use the theme of starting new goals or resolutions! So, think about what you want to communicate to your audience and have that goal in mind when reading WCE’s Post Guide. 

    Now, you can use our Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide by following day by day, you can pick or choose which posts work best for you and your business, or you can use these tips simply as a guide and come up with your own posts! Whichever way you use it, we want you to always BE YOU and show your value! We found it’s best with any of our ideas to put your own twist on it that can really showcase you and your business. Use your platform and posts to present to your audience your value and the value of your product and/or service. We have now also added to the guide a place where you can take your own notes or write some ideas you have. That way you have your January Social Media Post ideas in one place and it will be easier for you to reference.

    With all that said you can download for FREE WCE’s January Social Media Post Idea Guide by clicking the button or the photo below!

    January Social Media Post Idea Guide Free Printable

    We hope this helps and remember that WCE is always here to help!  For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also become a FREE member of WCE and get access to our hidden Member resource page that is full of INSTANT and free downloads, other great resources that will help you run your business, and get up-to-date information on our upcoming events! To join for free or to take look at our premium memberships go to the Membership tab here on our website or click below:


    And make sure to save the date for our upcoming 2022 virtual workshops, any of our in-person events throughout Texas, or our Inspirational Series Event in May! You can find those under our Upcoming Events tab or you can click below. 


    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 10 Dec 2021 12:28 PM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    When focusing on your marketing do you ever wonder what you can do to get more eyes on your business? Have you ever considered collaborating with other business owners? Here at Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs we are a huge proponent of businesses working together and collaborating with one another to help propel each other’s businesses.

    We started to write our blog on the tips for you to find a complementary businesses to collaborate with but then we saw that one of our experts, Brittni Schroeder, had already given a perfect step by step blog post about this very thing!

    Brittni has been a three time speaker for WCE and we just are in awe of her wisdom and passion. She is a Marketing Strategist and Business Coach for entrepreneurs. She helps entrepreneurs create systems, automate their businesses, and scale. Brittni worked as a High School Senior Photographer for over 10 years. She also owned and operated Mozi Magazine up until 2017. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America and several publications. She has worked in the non-profit sector for over 10 years AND recently founded her own non-profit called The Compassion Club after she lost her oldest son to a tragic accident. 

    Brittni offers so many ways to help entrepreneurs. With first hand experience in her workshops with WCE and her personal workshops we can say that she has helped us immensely in growing our business. You can find the workshops she done with WCE in our Training Resources. She also offers coaching, workshopswebsite training, and most importantly her Redefine Business Academy. Honestly if  you are looking to level up your business in the new year look no further than Brittni’s Academy. It is a step-by-step business training program that teach you the essential tools, gives you the foundation to build a brand that is successful, and that will get people talking about your business!

    In her article about Collaborative Marketing Brittni goes over what collaborative marketing is, how it works, the pros and cons of collaborating with other brands, how to get started, and what collaborative content marketing is. Collaborating with other brands really is a great way to market on a budget since you are combining your efforts and resources with other business owners. You can read the full article from Brittni by clicking the button or the image below.

    How to Collaborate with Brands

    You can learn also learn more about her Redefine Business Academy by clicking the button or image below

    Redefine Business Academy

    As always, we hope these tips and suggestions help you become the best entrepreneur you can be! For more tips, as well as, free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also become a FREE member of WCE and get access to our hidden Member resource page that is full of INSTANT and free downloads, other great resources that will help you run your business, and get up-to-date information on our upcoming events! To join for free or to take look at our premium memberships go to the Membership tab here on our website or click below:

    WCE Membership

    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 29 Nov 2021 11:42 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    We can not believe that we have less than 2 days of November left!! With the Holidays in full swing we know that you are going to have less and less time to get the extra work done for your business!

    WCE loves to find ways to relieve some of the tasks that come with owning your own business. And as most of you know each month we tackle the dreaded social media posts for your business! We know it can be difficult and not to mention time consuming to think of, create, and then schedule posts for all your business’s social media platforms. That is where Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs’ Free Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide comes in to help relieve some of that stress! The December edition of the Social Media Post Idea Guide hot off the presses!

    Before you start scheduling your the posts of of WCE’s post idea guide we suggest that when planning your day, week, or month on social media you start with a goal in mind. Do you have a topic you want to target, a certain product or service that is new or you’re having a special on? December is an easy one when thinking of this because you can use the theme of being the holidays by focusing on all the sales or deals you have for Holiday shopping or it can be about setting new goals as the end of the year approaches. Think about what you want to communicate to your audience and have that goal in mind when reading WCE’s Post Guide. 

    Now, as we have stated in the other monthly post guides ~ you can use our Monthly Social Media Post Idea Guide by following day by day, you can pick or choose which posts work best for you and your business, or you can use these tips simply as a guide and come up with your own posts! Whichever way you use it, we want you to always BE YOU and show your value! We found it’s best with any of our ideas to put your own twist on it that can really showcase you and your business. Use your platform and posts to present to your audience your value and the value of your product and/or service.

    With all that said you can download for FREE WCE’s December Social Media Post Idea Guide by clicking the button or the photo below!

    Free Download

    We hope this helps and remember that WCE is always here to help!  For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also become a FREE member of WCE and get access to our hidden Member resource page that is full of INSTANT and free downloads, other great resources that will help you run your business, and get up-to-date information on our upcoming events! To join for free or to take look at our premium memberships go to the Membership tab here on our website or click below:


    And check out our all of Upcoming Events and in our Training Resources for more tools that can help you grow as an entrepreneur.

    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 16 Nov 2021 5:52 AM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    With Thanksgiving so close we always tend to start thinking about gratitude. We feel that focusing on what you are thankful at the beginning of each day it helps you project a positive mindset throughout the rest of the day. And you might be thinking ~ what does this have to do with being entrepreneur?! As an entrepreneur we can let our own thoughts get in the way of our goals, we over think things, we focus on others successes instead of our own, and we can let negative thoughts rule our day. 

    Here at WCE we have created a Gratitude Worksheet Bundle that is an exercise you can do each day to help you create a more positive mindset. And the best part ~ it's FREE to Download! Yay!

    There are 2 steps to the daily the gratitude worksheet. The first worksheet (Daily Gratitude) will be the one you fill out in the morning. You will answer all of the prompts to get your mind focused on the positive and what you are thankful for! You will also think of what you will want to accomplish that day. Remember, always be realistic or you will just let yourself down and demotivate yourself.  

    The second worksheet is your Gratitude Reflection and will be completed in the evening after your day is over. You will reflect on the day, how you handled stresses, and what you can look forward to tomorrow. These worksheets should take you about 5 minutes each to reflect on and fill out!

    We also have a bonus worksheet ~ we know a BONUS worksheet in a FREE bundle?! WCE is in the giving mood!

    The bonus worksheet is a Monthly Worksheet that you will return to throughout the month.  You will take note of the little things that brought you joy throughout the month, who or what you are grateful for each day, and what were things that made you proud throughout the month. Treat it like a documentation of the little things in life ~ the ones we tend to forget about when we are having a bad day.

    Now that we have walked you through what you can expect with these worksheets it's time for you download the bundle! You can do so by clicking the button or the image below!

    Free Download

    Gratitude in life is so important and we hope that you find this download helpful. Here at WCE we are always here to help!  For more tips and free downloads please browse through our other Articles. You can also become a FREE member of WCE and get access to our hidden Member resource page that is full of INSTANT and free downloads, other great resources that will help you run your business, and get up-to-date information on our upcoming events! To join for free or to take look at our premium memberships go to the Membership tab here on our website or click below:


    And you won’t want to miss any of our training resources and discover ways to make yourself a better and more efficient business owner!

    Training Resources

    If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

  • 8 Nov 2021 12:41 PM | Ali Everhard (Administrator)

    The holidays are right around the corner and holiday shopping is in full swing for most! According to Deloitte’s annual holiday retail forecast the 2021 holiday shopping season is predicted to "increase by 7-9% with holiday sales reaching $1.28 to $1.3 trillion during the November to January timeframe"

    With those numbers we want to make sure your business is ready for the holiday crowds and rush. We found a great list created by the amazon pay team. They point out 6 ways you can prepare your business for this crazy holiday shopping season.

    The 6 tips to get your business prepared for the holiday shopping season  are:

    1. Increase your digital presence
    2.  Get ahead with social media posts
    3. Join a holiday gift guide
    4.  Make sure you offer a gift card 
    5. Be ready for more capacity 
    6. Keep your and your customers’ info safe

    You can read the full Amazon Pay article HERE.

    These may seem like too much to do in the little time you have left ~ but there is still time for most of these! We suggest with your social media posts keep it simple! You can keep it to just posting about your sales and new arrivals each week. Something is better than nothing. Schedule it out beforehand and if you have more time you can fluff later! Here at WCE we have monthly social media post idea guides that can help you streamline this task. Click HERE for November's Guide. December's guide will be coming out at the end of November so keep your eye for it! We also have amazing social media managers in that can you help you with this as well! 

    Another suggestion we have to help break this list down is the digital presence and the gift cards. You want to make sure your customers can find you online. If don't already have an online shop or a way to take payments online you need to look into that ASAP. "Deloitte also forecasts that e-commerce sales will grow by 11-15%, year-over-year, during the 2021-2022 holiday season. This will likely result in e-commerce holiday sales reaching between $210 billion and $218 billion this season." That means YOUR BUSINESS needs to be online. If you can't get your business converted to an online presence this year try to make eGift Cards available to your online customers. This will open up your market and help out of town customers buy your intown customers gifts from you.

    A few places that offer egift card options that you can look into:

    1. Square
    2. GiftFly
    3. GiftUp

    There are other options available too, but we really think adding egift cards would be a great addition to your business for the 2021 holiday season.

    And lastly, we loved Amazon Pay's suggestion of getting on a Holiday Gift Guide List. Here are WCE and we are doing weekly gift guide lists that each targets different topics. Click the button below to read the Holiday Gift Guides we have published so far. Holiday Gift Guides

    The best part of our gift guides is that they are all Small Businesses! Yay! WCE & members are the only ones that are included on the lists. For more information about joining Women's Council of Entrepreneurs and click the button below.

    More about WCE

    As always, we hope this helps. Search our other articles for great tips and some free downloads too! And check out our all of Upcoming Events and in our Training Resources for more tools that can help you grow as an entrepreneur.

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at! And to opt-in for WCE's text to get up-to-date info on events, resources, and deals simply text WCE to 936-228-6391!

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